Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CEA Issue 1


This is a fictional story, not one of my idea's. Just letting you know.

   When the Central European Alliance formed a decade or so ago, people figured it was an answer to the turmoil that Europe had been buried in for the last two generations. It started when a revolution started in  the Ukraine and inspired rebels in Austria, France, and Poland to rise up against the despots that were in control of the countries at the time. All of which were successful. Now that the countries had new leaders, they banded together in an early form of the CEA called the UPHF formation. When Germany, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic joined the UPHF, they renamed themselves the CEA. A short period of peace followed, but the leader of the CEA, Behemus Suvoruv succumbed to expansionist greed and began a war that basically engulfed all of Europe. 
   Meanwhile in the U.S., we returned to isolation. After our war on terrorism completely fell apart, and our brief war with North Korea lead to the two month long North Korean occupation of Los Angeles ended in most of the Korean peninsula becoming a smoldering nuclear wasteland, several protests ensued in america to limit the production of nuclear weapons. A few years later, we relocated all of our production of nuclear missiles to Texas. A secret group of terrorists in the area took this chance to launch an attack on one of the missile silos. They received reinforcements from several middle eastern countries and successfully attacked one of the silo's. Because the economy was crippled again, and our military was now only fifth place in the world, the president and congress decided they couldn't risk a rebellion like this getting out of hand. As the rebel reinforcements continued to poor into texas, and took control of it, an army was being built to counter them. When they were sent to dallas to try and take out the majority of rebels, an enemy army met them and two months of animalistic fighting ensued. 
   The American strike force ended up being slaughtered at a final battle that took place just outside of the city. Prisoners were rounded up and executed. Another army was sent to try and win back Texas, but they were halted when the president authorized a nuclear strike in Dallas. The situation had gotten to out of hand to risk another slaughter. Dallas was leveled, and the terrorists surrendered.
   Isaac Hobbes was a fifteen year old from the town of Augustus in western Massachusetts. He lived with his dad, Jeff, his mom, Julie Ann, and his older sister, Erin of eighteen in his home on Sturbridge Lane. His older brother, Ryan moved to New York for basic training a few years earlier when he was drafted to fight the rebels in Texas,. Ryan was on his way to support the troops in Dallas when his regiment was dismissed due to the wars ending after the sudden Nuclear attack on Dallas. He never moved back from New York. 
   Everything had started on a normal Saturday for Isaac. He was up in his room playing video games, while his Mom, Dad, and older sister watched the television downstairs in the living room. Isaac had woken up about thirty minutes earlier at around eleven, took a shower, slapped on jeans and a tee shirt, and started up his console. He expected to go to his friend Alex's house later. They'd play more video games, stay up all night, and he'd walk home the next morning. This would not happen. 
   Isaac noticed several dots s descending from the sky. They quickly slammed down all over the place. Huge couds of fire and ash shote up like angry geysers from hell. The ground shook, and the sound of the explosions stung Isaac's ears. His fathers orders to duck for cover to his mom and sister could be heard from downstairs.  Isaac rolled off from his bed and crawled under his bed. The explosions resumed for what seemed like a life time. When the last sounds of the bombs died out, Isaac jumped out from his cave to his feet and left his room to investigate the recent events. Before he opened his bedroom door, he coud here the front door being kicked open. Several men began yelling in what sounded like a combination of German and French. Isaac opened the door and looked down over the landing's handrail that overlooked the living room. Four men dressed in combat garb of a grey camouflage design were aiming rifles at the heads of his mother and Erin, who were on there stomachs with their hands behind their heads. Isaac's father was nowhere to be seen. He had most likely gone to get the M14 rifle he bought two years earlier after the house was robbed. It was kept under his bed. Isaac hoped he  would return soon. The men almost saw Isaac, but he ducked down enough to evade their view. They appeared to be talking about what they should do with Isaac's mother and sister.
   All of a sudden Isaac's father burst through the door with the rifle in hand. He quickly fired of a round at the group of invaders. The shot was so loud, Isaac couldn't hear a thing for a few seconds. The round hit one of the shoulders in the neck, but that's all Jeffry Hobbes could do. The man who appeared to be the leader emptied the entire clip from his rifle into the chest of Jeffry Hobbes. He was killed instantly, never losing his grasp on the rifle. The murderer looked upon Isaac's mother and sister. He slit their throats. Slowly. Erin. Then his mother. But he didn't kill Julie Ann immediately. He made her look at Erins dead face. Her throat. Her eyes. Then he put Julie Ann to the knife. 
   Gunshots were ringing about outside now. Explosions. The sounds of war. But these sounds failed to register within the ears or brain of Isaac Hobbes. Something deep inside his being melted away. He would never feel fully human again. Taking the lives of men would not corred his soul. Not for a while, at least. He became... less human. More of an animal. But he will not realize this for a while. For now he will crawl back to his room, under his bed, and cry. He will not move for a long time. But he had realized one thing. An important thing, that would mold him to become who you will read about in the following issues. Isaac Craft realized that a War had began. And he was now apart of it. 

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