Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Future of Transportation

   Wouldn't it be cool to instantaneously be able to teleport anywhere on Earth? Or have everybody own flying cars? It would, but I wouldn't say thats very likely in the near future. Lets start with some background information. Before cars or motors, we generally travelled using the horse. When the locomotive was invented, it caused shipping to be cheaper and faster. The telegraph allowed for information to be quickly transfered via Morse code (Invented by Samuel Morse) When the car was invented, it was slow and unreliable. They didn't really catch on until the twentieth century. The airplane was also a millstone in transportation, and like just about every other invention, warfare. These inventions led to a large increase in the demand for oil. Because the demand was so high, oil companies began over drilling. The surplus in oil caused it's value to drop dramatically. This was one of the factors that contributed to the Great Depression. I'll elaborate on that i a later article.
   So where do flying cars come into this? we'll get to that. Right now, let's talk about cars. In todays market, gasoline and other fossil fuels are extremely sought after resources. So long as we continue to use them in our vehicles, machines, and similar things, our governments will continue to wage war with the purpose of gaining more oil rich lands. But why do we continue to support this? Well first off, we don't like change. Many people are used to gasoline powered cars, which require oil to lubricate. We are not big fans of change. Plus, many of us can't afford to go out and buy a new electric or hybrid car. Besides, car and oil companies have close ties. Why would a car company want to anger them by making a bunch of new, electrically charged cars. It would reduce the oil companies profits.
   Now onto the flying car idea. It's not really pr

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