Sunday, April 14, 2013

CEA Issue 2

CEA Issue 2

    Isaac was alone in his room. He'd been there ever since his family was killed. Everybody but him and Ryan. That was three days ago. Isaac was starving and dehydrated. But he couldn't go downstairs. Isaac refused to look upon the bodies of his family. Isaac remained in his room for several more hours.
    There was not much he could do in his room. When the bombs hit, the TV blacked out. He would not be playing video games for a while. Not like one of his many violent ones were very appealing any more. What could be happening. The language spoken by those brutal savages sounded a lot like the language most people in the CEA now speak, at least that's what he assumed based on the bits he'd heard on the news and other sources. But why would they attack the United States? The U.S. hasn't threatened them in over seventeen years. In fact, America has been pursuing friendly relations with the CEA for the past four years. Isaac always thought the soldiers in that fought for the CEA were more merciful too, but the way they slit Erin and Isaac's mother's throats... it was so animalistic, primal. The officer seemed quite volatile too. Perhaps if Isaac's dad hadn't pulled the gun on them, they'd have been more merciful. But Isaac needed to get up. He had to do something, find someone.  He should head over to one of his neighbor's houses. Maybe he could stay with them. But first...
    Isaac slowly crept down the stairs, shivering, but his face was as emotionless as a stone. He looked over into the living room, but had to avert his gaze. Isaac could not look upon the bodies. It was too... he couldn't think of the word. He just didn't want to see them.
    He crept forward, still avoiding looking at them. The smell of dried blood crept up into his nostrils like cockroaches. Hi stomach began to turn and he stumbled a bit. When he finally regained control of himself, he decided he must look upon them. Isaac stood there for a moment, his mind racing. He willed himself to look, and nearly passed out. There they were, throats slit and blood dried out all around them, soaked into the carpet and their clothing. His father lay on his back with his chest blown open. His hands still clutched the rifle, his finger still on the trigger.
    Isaac's stomach began to churn violently, and he felt light headed. He began to stumble about like a drunken bar goer. Isaac tried to grab on to the coffee table to steady himself, but his knees buckled and he fell to them. Vomit then shot up and out of his mouth, getting all over his shirt. He broke. The stone was broken by a mighty pickaxe. He sobbed like a small child. His face turned red and tears streamed down his face like a faucet. His mother, sister and father were killed. He saw the whole thing. They were slaughtered like pigs. He suddenly was enraged. How dare these animals invade his home and murder his family. He would kill as many as possible. He wanted to see them beg for there lives. Maybe he could join the military. No they'd never condone such inhumane things. He decided the first thing he should look into doing was finding his older brother, ryan.
   Isaac pushed himself to his feet, eyes soar and red, and his stomach still felt awful. He wiped aways ome tears and walked to where his father lay. Isaac kneeled down next to him, and placed his hand on the necklace around his dad's neck. Isaac undid it and inspected the necklace. It was normal string, of a decent thickness and had a silver locket. When he opened the locket, he saw a photograph inside. It was a picture of Isaac's mom dad, sister brother and him. His dad always wore this necklace, keeping the locket under his shirt. He stared at the picture for several minutes until he placed it around his neck. It would stay with him for the rest of his life. Isaac then gave his attention to the rifle. The M14 his father bought a few years ago. Isaac had only shot it a handful of times, and couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. He supposed he might have to learn. Quickly. He looked over it for another minute and then lifted it from his dead father's grasp. Ever since large clips were banned for civilians, his father could only buy magazines with five rounds in them, maximum. His dad had probably fired the gun three times, so now there were only two bullets left in the magazine. Isaac needed more ammunition, and figured his dad had probably tucked an extra magazine into his belt. Isaac suddenly felt disgusted with himself for thinking of looting his fathers dead body. Taking the locket was one thing, but this didn't feel right. He'd have to go and open up the safe his father kept the rifle and probably around thirty rounds in. The only issue was that Isaac's father was the only one who knew the combination, and and he wasn't going to be able to Isaac it. Look's like Isaac would have to find more ammunition elsewhere.
    Isaac got back to his feet and took a deep breath. He'd have to leave this house. Maybe he could go to a neighbor's house and stay there. However, he had to do something first.
    Isaac walked out the back door to his backyard. He suddenly noticed what sounded like gunshots and unintelligible yelling coming from somewhere. He didn't know how he hadn't noticed this earlier, as it sounded fairly close by. He just hoped whatever was happening, his team was winning.
    He proceeded to walk about the yard, which was of reasonable size. He spotted a nice, tall oak tree. That tree was over two-hundred years old, and once had a swing on it. It sat there, wise and old. He liked it very much, and wished that the swing that was once there still was. He could use something to distract him. He then made the decision that this was where he would bury his Mother, Father, and Sister.

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