Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ideas From Evil

    Evil. The sense of immorality, and malevolence. The idea of good and evil has been explored and pondered through out history. Science and religion have both tried to explain it. Some conquer it. Others succumb to it. I'd like to be panglossian toward this, but in a world so consumed by war, greed, and similar afflictions, it would be a herculine task. We all have a sense of evil within us. If we didn't, we'd never look for vengeance after that guy carl today went and told that chick, (ugh, what was her name… Jane? sure…) that story about when you went camping and had horrible diarrhea. Dammit Carl, why'd you have to ruin this for me?
    Perhaps good and evil's relationship is like cold and heat. There is no such thing as " the cold", just a lack of heat energy. With our good old ring and yang, maybe there's no such thing as good, just a lack of evil. It feels like there's no evil sometimes, but it's there. The amount of evil energy ( yeah Sam, go ahead and create a unit so you can keep track of the amount of evil in a given area, if it's even possible. Why'll you're at, why don't you build a device that can keep track of evil levels!) The idea that good is not real, and that our sense of greatness or nobility is just a low level of Lex Lutherness is depressing, but hey, maybe it's the other way around. Perhaps evil is just a lack of good, and doesn't really exist.
     Human duality and the eternal struggle between good and bad are popular topics for literature and film. Jekyll and Hyde is a perfect example.  Henry Jeklly, a well respected english doctor, attempts to remove the evil from his soul with an interesting concoction. The result is the evil murderer, Mr Hyde. Even if we attempt to estrange ourselves from past crimes or wrongdoings, our recidivism is most likely bound to drag us back to our old ways.
     No matter how you look at it, the science of evil is fascinating. I've tried to explain it here, and write down my idea's on it, but as a human, I don't think I'll ever come to understand it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Atomic Universe

Have you ever viewed things on an atomic level, and then looked at our solar system, or vice versa? I find it fascinating how similar an atom and a solar system is. When an atom is viewed, you'll see the nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, and then orbiting around it are the electrons. If you look at our solar system, you would see our sun at it's center and planets, asteroids, and other celestial bodies orbiting around it. The similarities a uncanny. If you look at our planets, you would see that there's eight of them, (sorry pluto) which, excluding other orbiting bodies make our solar system similar to an oxygen atom if you look at the planets as though they were electrons.
However, there's a few differences to bare in mind. First off, there is the obvious size difference. Secondly, planets have elliptical or circular paths that they follow. Within the electron cloud outside of an atom, electrons are believed to have random irregular paths. 
I find one more similarity pretty cool too. The similarities between a super nova and a nuclear explosion are startling. If an atom is split due to fission, it generates a huge explosion. As some stars near their end of days, a huge explosion that radiates unheard of amounts of light occurs, much like a nuclear explosion, just unimaginably bigger.
The universe is a huge place with some tiny corners. Perhaps each lone atom contains a small universe within itself, each with slight or dramatic variations on our own, or they're just clones of our own. Form an opinion of your own. Think about it. Dwell on it. Whatever you do, I hope I've given you something to think about.

The Fourth Dimension

    Here we are. The Earth. The Milky Way Galaxy. The third dimension. Or fourth. Or fifth, and it goes on, so we'd assume. For my first entry, we'll cover just the fourth.
    We all have heard of the first three dimensions, length, width, and height. How many of you have attempted to wrap your head around the fourth? I'm a fourteen year old kid, who sucks at mathematics, so just thinking of a way to understand it is daunting. The fourth dimension has been studied for around three hundred years by philosophers and scientists alike. To see an interesting example of a fourth-dimensional object, look at the wikipedia page for the fourth dimension. It shows a tesseract, which I can't really explane.
     In physics, spacetime is the unified version of, you guessed it, space and time! However, time is not treated the same way as the other three dimensions. Do not ask me how, I'm fairly new to this, and my frontal lobe has not been fully developed. That's really as far as I can go there, but I might be able to inform you on other things.
     Hyperbeings are beings that live in the fourth dimension. We'd be considered hyper beings to anything in the second dimension, ect. They'd be masters of our dimension. They could make things like clocks, desks, people, anything disappear  they could remove blood or guts from our anatomy without a single incision. Maybe what we perceive as ghosts or spirits are these higher level creatures attempting to interact with us. Maybe what some think of as a god is actually a fourth dimensional being controlling our lives the way a cartoonist draws a comic, or an author rights a book.